Lakeshore Center at Okjoboji cannot survive without the support of caring individuals like you.
Throughout the history of Lakeshore Center, we have always had the support of the people who love this ministry! Support comes in many forms and anyone can support this ministry. Whether it is through prayer, work projects, adopting a cabin, or financially, your support helps make Lakeshore Center the beautiful place it is.
To donate financially, click the link below.
Lakeshore's Current Fundraising Projects:
The Joyce Jensen Scholarship Fund
It is our firm belief that every young person deserves to come to camp, regardless of financial status. Through the Generous support of Joyce Jensen and her family, we have been able to provide camp scholarships to those in need for many years. Your contribution to this fund will ensure that many more can come to camp in the years to come. |
The Frahm Chapel Fund
Named in honor of previous Camp Directors, Mary and Warren Frahm, this fund supports the upkeep, maintenance, and upgrades to the Chapel. Our faith is at the heart of everything we do at Lakeshore, and the Chapel is the heart of camp. Your support for this fund will keep this building impacting lives for many years. |
The Lakeshore Endowment Fund
Lakeshore currently has a modest Endowment Fund. This fund will prove to be invaluable during those times when a little extra money is needed for the everyday costs of maintaining our beautiful facility. Gifts may come in a variety of ways from checks to gifts of stocks or bonds to including Lakeshore Center in a will. This fund will ensure the viability of Lakeshore Center for seasons to come. |
To discuss donating physical gifts, stocks, bonds, or including Lakeshore Center in your estate planning, please email the office at [email protected] or call 712-337-3313.